Upcoming Trainings

Judicial Council of Georgia
Chief Justice
Harold G. Clarke Award
JCA Executive Director, Melissa Heard (6th Recipient in 2019) and Senior Advisor, Edith Primm (2nd Recipient in 2015), have been awarded the Chief Justice Harold G. Clarke Award for their outstanding contributions to Dispute Resolution in Georgia.

Defending Liberty Pursuing Justice
American Bar Association’s 2016
John W. Cooley Institutional Award
JCA was awarded the American Bar Association’s 2016 John W. Cooley Institutional Award for resolving disputes by creative and non-traditional means.

U.S. Government Accountability Office
Government Accountability Office
JCA was named “One of the leading institutions in the United States for the practice and teaching of mediation.” By the U.S. Government Accountability Office.
Justice Center of Atlanta, Inc.
Training Services or Mediation Services
- Trainings: 404.523.3613, ext. 236
- Services:404.523.8236, ext. 200
- Email:jcainfo@justicecenter.org
- Address:976 Edgewood Avenue, NE Atlanta, GA 30307-2580